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Selling popcorn is the main source of fundraising for the Troop and is crucial to our ability to fund activities during the scouting year. The money we raise from selling popcorn allows the Troop to pay for most of the expenses of the monthly overnights, pays for the replacement of worn-out equipment as well as new equipment. The Troop has a policy that no scout will be excluded from any activity due to the lack of financial ability and popcorn money makes that possible. The Troop has been able to keep out of pocket costs for all families to a bare minimum because of the success of our popcorn selling the last few years. The boys also share in the Troops profits based on how much they sell and that money they can be spent on scouting gear may they need or can be put toward the cost of Camp Sequassen.

There are 3 main ways for the boys to sell popcorn. They can do “take orders” where they sell to friends, family, neighbors, etc., collect the money up front and deliver the popcorn when we receive it from council in early December. In September and October we do “show and sells” where we go to a local business like a grocery store and set up a table and sell popcorn on the spot to people as well as take donations. The third way is for the scout to set up their selling page on the Camp Masters website where they can send out a link by email, social media, etc. and have people order popcorn from the Scouts web page. The popcorn is shipped directly to the buyer.

Selling popcorn funds the Troops activities for the year, can be fun, earns prizes for the Scouts, money for their Troop account and teaches responsibility and people skills. We hope that the Scouts will embrace popcorn selling and that the families will support the Troops popcorn fundraising efforts. Thank you for the time and effort you have made toward providing a rewarding Scouting experience. If you have any questions about popcorn sales please contact the Troop 15 Popcorn Kernel, Paul Isolda at or 203-918-2764

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