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Troop 15 Committee Roles & Responsibilities

Boy Scout Troop 15 – Troop Committee Charter

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Troop Committee Responsibilities – Approved on 9/9/2014
MISSION STATEMENT: The Troop Committee, which is the troop’s Board of Directors, supports the troop’s adult and youth leaders in delivering a quality program to the troops Scouts. 


• Advise the Scoutmaster on policies relating to Scouting and the chartered organization (the Jewish War Veterans Post 142).
• Assist in transportation
• Assure that a qualified substitute leader is assigned if the Scoutmaster is absent or unable to serve.
• Assure that quality adult leadership is recruited and trained (the Scoutmaster is most important), and encourage adult leader training.
• Carry out the policies and regulations of the Boy Scouts of America (found in the Guide to Safe Scouting).
• Coordinate the Friends of Scouting Campaign.
• Encourage the leaders.
• Ensure that the troop program provides at least 10 days and nights of outdoor programming per year.
• Manage troop finances.
• Obtain and maintain troop equipment.
• Provide adequate meeting facilities.
• Provide a spiritual tone for troop meetings.
• Recruit and involve troop committee members.
• Serve on Boards of Review
• Solve behavior problems that cannot be resolved within the troop (governed by the Scout Oath and Scout Law… A Scout is Obedient)
• Support troop program delivery
• Support Youth recruitment

Scoutmaster – Lee Bowbeer –


Committee Chairman – Jeff Herz –


• Organize the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated and completed.
• Maintain a close relationship with the charter organization’s representative and the Scoutmaster.
• Interpret national and local policies to the troop.
• Prepare troop committee meeting agendas
• Call, preside over and promote attendance at monthly troop committee meetings and any special meetings that may be called.
• Ensure troop representation at monthly roundtables.
• Secure top-notch, trained, individuals for camp leadership.
• Arrange for charter review and re-charter annually.
• Plan the charter presentation.

Secretary – Anne Runge

• Keep minutes of meetings and send out committee meeting notices.
• Handle publicity
• At each troop committee meeting, report the minutes from the previous meeting.
• Chairs Communications sub-committee

Treasurer – Kim DiBella-Farber

• Keep accurate troop financial records.
• Handle all troop funds, pay bills on the recommendation of the Scoutmaster and authorization of the troop committee.
• Train and supervise the troop scribe in record keeping.
• Keep adequate records
• Supervise money-earning projects.
• Supervise the camp savings plan (camperships)
• Lead in the preparation of the annual troop budget
• Lead the Friends of Scouting campaign
• Report to the troop committee at each meeting.

Outdoor/Activities Coordinator – Barry Morris

• Secures permission to use camping sites (including fees).

• Identifies and reserves, schedules or procures additional resources for activities such as certified instructors, guides.
• Works with Equipment Coordinator to secure any needed/required equipment for activities.
• Promote, through family meetings, attendance at troop campouts, camporees, and summer camp to reach the goal of an outing per month.
• Serves as transportation coordinator including maintaining updated list of troop vehicles, including driver information, insurance and passenger capacity for proper completion of tour permit.

  • Ensures all troop vehicles and drivers are in compliance with BSA standards for safe travel.
  • Coordinates drivers to and from all troop activities to ensure adequate transportation of scouts and equipment to and from activities.

• Ensure a monthly outdoor program.

  • Enlist an activities coordinator for each monthly campout or activity.

• Promote the National Camping Award
• Prepares all permission slips for activities including other forms which may be required such as waivers or additional medical forms.
• Prepares and submits all tour permits to Council for all troop activities in a timely manner.
• Report to the troop committee at each meeting
• Chairs the Outdoor Activities sub-committee

Equipment Coordinator – Max Fanwick/Jeff Knopf

• Supervises and helps the troop procure needed equipment.
• Work with the Quartermaster(s) on inventory on inventory and proper storage and maintenance of all troop equipment.
• Makes periodic safety inspections of all troop equipment.
• Coordinates replacement of defective, broken or unusable equipment.
• Ensure annual renewal of Troop Trailer registration.
• Reports to the troop committee at each meeting.

Chaplain – Rabbi Jay TelRav

• Provides a spiritual tone for troop meetings and activities.
• Give guidance to the chaplain aide
• Promote regular participation of each member in the activities of the religious organization of his choice
• Visit homes of scouts in times of sickness or need
• Give spiritual counseling and service when needed or requested
• Encourage Boy Scouts to earn their appropriate religious emblems
• Supervise non-denominational services for troop campouts
• Coordinate troop participation in Scout Shabbat / Scout Sunday
• Report to the troop committee at each meeting

Advancement Chairman – Kevin Warner

• Encourages Scouts to advance in rank.
• Works with the troop scribe to maintain all Scout advancement records.
• Makes a prompt report on the correct form to the council service center when a troop board of review is held.
• Secures badges, certificates and other awards.
• Works with the troop librarian to build and maintain a troop library of merit badge pamphlets, books, resources and other advancement literature.
• Reports to the troop committee at each meeting.
• Serves as Chairman over the Advancement sub-committee

Training Coordinator – Adam Terr

• Ensure troop leaders and committee members have opportunities for training.
• Maintain information about up-to-date training materials, videotapes and other training resources and where to obtain them.
• Work with the district training team in scheduling required training for all new registered adults.
• Ensure all registered adults complete Youth Protection Training every three (3) years.
• Maintains records of all training/certifications completed by registered adults within troop and forwards completion dates to Advancement Coordinator for entry into the Troop Advancement Tracking System. (Such training shall include all required BSA training as well as voluntary certifications in such areas as first aid/CPR, climb on safety, life guard, etc.)
• Maintains records of all training completed by scouts and forwards completion dates to Advancement Coordinator for entry into Troop Advancement Tracking System.
• Assist Scoutmaster in organizing Troop Junior Leader Training.
• Assist Outdoor Activities Coordinator in identifying certified guides and/or instructors for troop activities as required.
• Report to the troop committee at each meeting

Board of Review Coordinator – Kevin Warner

• Confirm that all rank requirements including service time, appropriate merit badges, troop position of responsibility and time in rank have been met by conferring with the Advancement Chairman, Service Time Coordinator and the Scoutmaster.
• Organizes/convenes Boards of Review for rank advancements.
• Maintain library of review material appropriate for each rank.
• Report to the Advancement Chairman the names of candidates who have successfully completed any given rank.

Service Time Coordinator – Prashant Nayyar

• Coordinates and schedules any requested troop service time.
• Mentors the Troop Scribe in keeping accurate record of attendance and time worked by scouts for service projects.
• Forwards attendance/time reports to Advancement Coordinator for entry in Troop Advancement Tracking System.
• Be familiar with the service time needs of all scouts and encourage participation in service time events as they become available.
• Confirm with the Advancement Chairman and Board of Review Coordinator service time records for all scouts requesting a Scoutmaster conference.
• In the Scoutmaster’s Absence, approves or disapproves individual requests for service time based on the guidelines set forth by the Boy Scouts of America and Troop 15 Guidelines and Polices.

Life to Eagle Advisor – Barry Morris 

• Meets regularly with Life Scouts to ensure timely completions of remaining requirements for Eagle

• Assists Life Scouts in identifying Eagle Projects through the charter organization representative and other community resources
• Assists Life Scouts in the proper completion of the Eagle Project workbook.
• Utilizes materials/training available through BSA to effectively mentor Life Scouts.

Medical Records Coordinator – Nancy Herz

• Coordinate annual collection troop medical forms during troop re-charter process.
• Works with the Outdoor/Activities Coordinator to see that all adults and scouts who will attend any troop activity including high adventure and summer camp have current and proper medical forms well in advance of the beginning of the activity.
• Maintain medical form notebooks and makes at least one available to the Scoutmaster or designated health/safety officer for all troop activities.

Fundraising Chairman /Popcorn Kernel – Peter Dao 

• Serve as Popcorn Kernel
• Research and develop fundraising projects for the troop and present ideas to the troop committee for approval.
• Enlist a coordinator to supervise each project.
• Obtain proper authorizations or permits as necessary.
• Coordinate with the Treasurer for the collection of all fundraising proceeds and for making any required payments to vendors.
• Maintain fundraising records for the purpose of calculating the division of troop and boy earnings.

Membership/Recruiting  Coordinator – Open

• Maintains Troop Roster
• Assists Committee Chairman with annual re-charter
• Coordinates with Webelos to Scout Coordinator to ensure successful/smooth transition of Webelos into Troop.
• Maintains and has available at all Troop Meetings welcome packets, dues forms, health forms, adult resource surveys, troop policies, and applications for new scouts and adults.
• Conduct the Troop Resource Survey.
• Mentors Troop Scribe in the collection of all forms, membership fees and troop dues.
• Mentors Troop Scribe in keeping accurate/regular attendance at Troop Meetings and Activities.
• Contacts members who are absent without cause/notification for extended period to survey interest.
• Serves on re-chartering subcommittee made up of Committee Chairman, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator and Scoutmaster

Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator – Adam Terr

• Make yearly reminders to Merit Badge Counselors about the necessity of getting their renewal forms in before December 31 of each year.
• Seek out adults affiliated with the troop who specialize in areas that would allow them to become Merit Badge Counselors.

  • Emphasize seeking adults to serve as counselors for each Eagle required merit badge.

• Direct new Merit Badge Counselors to attend the required training at a monthly roundtable.
• Maintains a roster of troop merit badge counselors and/or other list provided by council of merit badge counselors for referral to scouts.

Webmaster – Jeff Herz (

• Maintain the Troop’s web site.
• Post current newsletters, calendars and appropriate photos and provide links to scout related sites.
• Assure that no information is published that could present any type of security risk to members including full names and addresses, etc.
• Ensure no offensive or degrading material is published.
• Return correspondence as appropriate to anyone who sends inquiries to the webmaster either by way of email or guest book entries.

Newsletter Coordinator – Open

• Creates a monthly newsletter highlighting troop activities and other scouting related articles such as upcoming training opportunities, district and council activities.
• Mentors the Troop Historian to provide articles and pictures in both the monthly newsletter and troop history book.
• Solicits articles from Scoutmaster, patrols and other members of the troop.

Webelo’s to Scout Coordinator – Heath Newman 

• Works with Cubmaster and Webelos Leaders of Pack 15 to promote the advancement of youth from the packs into the Troop.
• Coordinates Webelos visits at Troop meetings and activities including all necessary permission slips, camp fees, medical forms, etc.
• Schedules a meeting with 2nd year Webelos parents no later than October of each year to provide information about Troop and Troop activities including expenses and fundraising opportunities.
• Coordinates with Fundraiser Coordinators any troop fundraisings activity Webelos will participate in, including timely collection of all fundraising materials and moneys.
• Provides welcome packets, dues forms, health forms, adult resource surveys, troop policies, and applications to Webelos and parents.
• Collects all completed forms and monies from Webelos and forwards them to appropriate Committee member.

75th Anniversary Celebration – Michelle Poris 

SWAG Coordinator: OPEN

Help us set up a marketplace to sell Troop 15 gear, and help build our brand to promote scouting across Stamford and beyond

Sub-committee Members:

Re-chartering: Jeff Herz
Committee Chairman (Chair), Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, Medical Records Custodian and

Fundraising/Finance: Peter Dao
Fundraising Chairman (Chair), Fundraiser Coordinators, Treasurer

Communications: TBD
Secretary (Chair), Newsletter Coordinator, Webmaster, Troop Historian

Outdoor Activities: Barry Morris
Outdoor Activities Coordinator (Chair), Medical Records Custodian, Health/Safety Officer, Troop
Scribe, Equipment Coordinator, Troop Quartermaster(s), Scoutmaster, Chaplain

Advancement: Kevin Warner
Advancement Chairman (Chair), Board of Review Coordinator(s), Service Time Coordinator, Life to Eagle Advisor

Training: TBD
Training Coordinator, Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator

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