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Popcorn is a … WIN-WIN-WIN

Signup to sell at our upcoming show & sells using the sign-up genius link below:
Raise money for your Cub Scout Pack

Popcorn fundraisers are gaining in popularity because of their successful track record. In fact, Trails’ End Popcorn is the official fundraiser for Cub Scouts and is the only pre-approved Scout fundraiser. Over the last 25 years it has provided pack after pack with the funds they need to carry out the program.

As Cubmaster for my sons’ Cub Scout Pack, I can tell you there are so many expenses involved with Scouting that most people don’t even realize like adult leadership trainings, guest speakers for Pack Meetings and awarding patches, pins and belt loops as they are earned.

Whether it’s an overnight, pack event, Pinewood Derby cars and trophies or food for the Blue & Gold Banquet, there is always something that needs funding. It can be a deterrent for parents to absorb all of the costs. Some of the overnight trips we want to plan this year, like the Museum of Natural History or the Intrepid, are more expensive than other events, Pack Popcorn sales is a GREAT way to subsidize these events.

When you choose to participate in the Trail’s End popcorn fundraiser you’ll benefit from the long standing tradition of scouts selling popcorn. You’ll get support from your local Scout Council and pack. It will also be easy to sell because so many people are familiar with Trails End popcorn. They may have even been buying popcorn from Scouts for years!

This year we are trying the Show & Sell Popcorn Sales in addition to the traditional Take Order way of selling popcorn.  We also hope more scouts try selling popcorn online, it’s an easy way to get the word out to many people, plus you don’t have to worry about collecting the money (and the Popcorn Kernel does not have to pick up the Popcorn for distribution).

Tips for Running Your Cub Scout Popcorn Fundraiser:

  1. Have family and neighbors fill out a simple form and you place an order for delivery on a later date.
  2. Provide immediate delivery by keeping product on hand as you take orders. Save time with only one visit per customer.
  3. Sell online by asking email contacts to go directly to the popcorn website and place their order and pay immediately. Their order will be shipped to them and you will receive credit for the sale. (Contact your scout leader for more information on the website sales)
  4. Show and sells are very popular. Participants can sign up for a period of time to sell popcorn at a local storefront. The benefit is that they do the selling themselves. They learn valuable skills and Scouts can also earn merit badges for their contributions.
What Makes Popcorn Sales a Success for Scouts?

Though each pack varies in their size, ambition and goals, one common factor is that the Trail’s End Popcorn Fundraiser pays for some or all of the Scouting year.

Scouts act as salespeople, but what they are really selling is the importance of the Scouting program and the need for funds to support their pack.

Learn How To Sell Online

Learn How To Sell Online

Watch this short tutorial to learn how your Scouts can sell Trail’s End online and earn cool rewards.

Popcorn For Our Troops

ALERT!:  Watch For Scouts!  Operation Popcorn Fall 2011 is Underway!

Trail’s End sends popcorn treats to the U.S. Military on behalf of the Boy Scouts of America.

Scouts can offer two levels of military donations – $25 silver level donation and $40 gold level donation – to consumers across the country. When consumers purchase this option, Trail’s End will send a variety of popcorn treats to U.S. troops and their families.

Each military donation level is available on the Scout’s paper order form and on throughout the year.


2011 kicks off the fifth year of Popcorn For Our Troops. Here are the results from the past four years:

  • Consumers have donated over $32 million worth of popcorn to U.S. troops
  • In 2010 alone, consumers donated over $11 million worth of popcorn to U.S. troops
  • Over 2,000 tons of popcorn treats have been shipped to hundreds of locations around the world
  • Consumers have placed over 54,000 orders online for the Military Product Donation

Trail’s End ships popcorn to U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq, all other U.S. Military Bases overseas, domestic U.S. Military Bases, and families of U.S. servicemen and women.
























































UConn Basketball Coach Jim CalhounA message from Jim Calhoun – Coach of the Men’s UConn Huskies Basketball Team


WANTED : One Popcorn Kernel + a couple of assistant Popcorn Kernel’s.  No prior experience required.

Trails End PopcornOrder Popcorn Now!
 Campaign Calendar
August 21 Trail’s End Popcorn Sale Kickoff
August 30
Show & Sell Order Deadline
September 13-14 Show & Sell Distribution
October 25 Take Order & Prize Order Deadline
October 28 Show & Sell Returns Deadline
October 28
Show & Sell Payments Due
November 8-9 Take Order Distribution
November 27 Final Payments Due
 Commission Structure
30% Base Commission
3% For Attending August 21st Kickoff Meeting
1% For Every 5% Growth (3% max)
Forms, Guides & Files
Prizes & Awards
 Training PowerPoint & Videos

Trails End Website –

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