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Methods of Scouting

In the Boy Scouts of America scouting program, there are 8 “Methods” used to achieve our goals of citizenship, character, and fitness.

The Eight Methods Are:

1. Ideals and Values

The ideals and values contained in the Scout Oath and Law.   We use the Scout Oath and Law as tools to get boys to think about such things, and we quietly encourage boys to deepen their knowledge and thought about  ethics, respect, cooperation and responsibility.

2. Adult Association

Scouting provides a wonderful venue for boys to learn from “role models” of older men and women who are not their parents, and who can be at once friends and mentors.  Troop 15 values this adult mentoring very highly.

3. Advancement

Probably the most recognized feature of the scouting program, the Advancement Method sets goals and challenges for boys to work toward in order to get recognition through higher rank or “merit badges” that demonstrate special skill.   Troop 15 uses the BSA Advancement program and has a number of boys who make Eagle Scout, but it would not be considered a central feature of our program.   Our goal is to work more toward internal than external motivation, and to be very rigorous about ensuring performance before awards are given.

4. Youth Leadership

In Boy Scouting, the youth grow by taking responsibility.  Troop 15 emphasizes youth leadership very strongly.  Our youth choose the activities, set budgets, determine safety plans, do instruction, and run the show.   The Boys are usually so accustomed to leading that they are able to transition easily into college, work, and careers in the Military.

5. Patrol Method

One of the ways that Scouting teaches youth leaders is by breaking the troop up into smaller gangs of boys, led by one or more Patrol Leaders.   Patrols are best described as groupings of boys of similar character who work together, with older boys serving as positive examples.   Troop 15 runs a very well-developed patrol method structure, which keeps patrols intact from the moment a boy joins, so the boys really get to know each other and rely on patrol leadership.

6. Outdoors

The outdoors is our playground and adventures are our motivation in Scouting.   Troop 15 is extremely active in the outdoors, with a year-round schedule.  Additionally, we participate in week to 2 week long summer programs at Scout camps such as Sequassen and Philmont.

7. Uniforming

One of the things that distinguishes scouts worldwide is a uniform.   The uniform helps identify us as brothers and sisters in a common movement no matter what troop or nation we live in, or how well-off we are.   Troop 15 uses the Class-A scout uniform for weekly meetings, community service projects (when practical), and for travel to and from any group Scouting event.  Additionally, we utilize a Class B uniform for instances where the Class A isn’t practical – such as camping trips and outdoor service projects.

8. Service

Troop 15 encourages boys to participate in a variety of service with the troop.   Some of that is service to younger scouts within the program, but we also do a variety of work for different community groups and agencies. Scouts also support their fellow members when they undertake their Eagle Scout projects.


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