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Senior Patrol Leader
The Senior Patrol Leader is elected by the Scouts to represent them as the top junior leader in the troop. He runs all troop meetings, events, activities and the annual program planning conference..
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader is the second highest ranking junior leader in the troop. The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader acts as the Senior Patrol Leader in the absence of the SPL or when called upon. He also provides leadership to other junior leaders in the troop.
Patrol Leader
The Patrol Leader is the elected leader of his patrol. He plans and guides patrol meetings and helps the Scouts in his patrol advance. He keeps his patrol members informed and encourages them to be active in all troop activities.
Assistant Patrol Leader
The Assistant Patrol Leader is nominated by the Patrol Leader and is approved by the Scoutmaster. The Assistant Patrol Leader is responsible for: Attending regular meetings with the troop’s Scoutmaster to ensure responsibilities are properly carried out, assisting the Patrol Leader in his duties and in carrying out his program, performing other duties as assigned by the Patrol Leader, and acting as the Patrol Leader in the Patrol Leader’s absence.
Troop Guide
The Troop Guide works with new Scouts. He helps them feel comfortable and earn their First Class rank in their first year.
Order of the Arrow Troop Representative
The Order of the Arrow Troop Representative is a youth liaison serving between the local OA lodge or chapter and his unit. Youth members (Arrowmen) are elected by all boys in the troop based on their Scouting spirit and camping ability. The aim of the OA is to promote the outdoor program and service to Scouting.
Den Chief
The Den Chief works with the Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts and Den Leaders in a Cub Scout pack. He helps Cub Scouts advance through the Cub Scout ranks and encourages them to join a Boy Scout troop upon graduation. He attends the den and pack meetings and assists with activities.
The Scribe keeps the troop records. He records the activities of the Patrol Leaders’ Council and keeps a record of dues, advancement and Scout attendance at troop meetings.
The Librarian takes care of the troop’s literature. He keeps records of the books and pamphlets owned by the troop and maintains a system for checking literature in and out. He will also add new or replacement items as needed.
The Historian keeps a historical record or scrapbook of troop activities. He will gather pictures and facts about past troop activities and keep them in a file or scrapbook. He takes care of troop trophies, ribbons and souvenirs. He also keeps records of former members of the troop.
The Quartermaster keeps track of troop equipment and sees that it is in good working order. He will also make suggestions for new or replacement equipment as needed.
Chaplain Aide
The Chaplain Aide works with the Troop Chaplain to meet the religious needs of Scouts in the troop. He also works to promote the religious emblems program. He will make sure religious holidays are considered during troop program planning and help plan for religious observance during troop activities.
The Instructor teaches basic Scouting skills. He is particularly interested in the younger scouts and helping them advance.
The Bugler sounds bugle calls as required. He will sound the following bugle calls: First Call, Reveille, Mess, To the Colors, Officers, Drill, Assembly, Recall, Fatigue, Church, Fire, Swimming, Retreat, Call to Quarters, Taps.
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
The Junior Assistant Scoutmaster is 16 or 17 years old and is asked by the Scoutmaster to serve in the capacity of Junior Assistant Scoutmaster because of his leadership ability. In most cases, the JASM has the same responsibilities as an Assistant Scoutmaster
The troop webmaster is responsible for maintaining the troop’s website. He should make sure that information posted on the website is correct and up to date, that the links are checked on a routine basis, and that members’ and leaders’ privacy is protected. A member of the troop committee or ASM may assist him with his work.
Leave No Trace Trainer
The Leave No Trace Trainer specializes in teaching Leave No Trace principles and ensures that the troop follows the principles of Leave No Trace on all outings such as camping and other outdoor activities. This person has to have Leave No Trace Training and must be at least 14 years of age.