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Jacob Appel Eagle Project

Jacob Louis Appel

Jacob was born on February 20, 1998 and lives in Stamford, CT.  He attended Bi-Cultural Day School.  He joined Pack 11 at age 9 in September 2007 and bridged over to Troop 15 in 2009.  He is a member of Temple Sinai where he had his Bar Mitzvah in March 2011.  He is a frequent volunteer at the Stamford Museum and Nature Center. He is graduating from the Ag Science program at Westhill High School.

He will be working as a lifeguard at the YMCA this summer. He will be attending University of Colorado, Boulder in the fall where he will be studying Environmental Science and Evolutionary Biology.

My Eagle Project

My Eagle Scout project took place at the Smith House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Stamford. It involved building a new wooden bench and installing it along their trail system.  Repairing some existing benches and spreading mulch around the building and handicap exercise areas. It also included beautification of the Smith House trails including removal of litter and trimming and removal of unwanted or invasive plants.

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